Friday, May 23, 2008


Today i noticed my hand itching like crazy. Now i try and take a shower everyday but i don't wanna dry myself out. So i really think i will win something today. I itch and i win. thats it Im itchin to win sumtin.
i know noone reads my page here cause noone posts nothing for me. I am sad and alone and itchie.
I don't have great grammar as you can see. i talk and do grammar like if i was on a UFO. heck do they care, NO they do not.
Today i thought i was going nutzo. maybe i am already, hmmm.
Naw, i can't be nuts cause the squirrels weren't talking about me today. anyway i noticed my buns are hurting way to much from sitting on this chair all day. Now I know i need to get up and clean or move around but i just to lazy.

1 comment:

ShannanB said...

Hey - It's Shannan from Mommy Bits. Your itching must work because you won the Meerkat Manor DVD I was giving away!! Send me your address and I'll get it in the mail!

Thanks for entering.