Friday, June 6, 2008

Im wondering

How do I get a counter on here? I mean i know you cut n copy a code but where does it go? As you can tell i am a New Blogist and working on perfection. lol. NOT!
Anyway, I had 1 beer tonight and you would think I drank 30 of them. Must be that Alien in me.
Oh and last night I went to get gas for my car and as I was inside paying for it i was getting a pop and a Black SUV Pulled up outside of the station and the passinger gave me the finger. Now I don't know who that was. They didn't even come inside of the place. gave me the finger and left.
Whoever reads this knows I am big time into UFOs due to my own sightings so it kind of gave me a weird feeling after like maybe its the Men in Black. There are such a thing and its not the movie. hmmm weird like me!

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